Heat Mass Transfer

                      HEAT MASS TRANSFER


when ever there is temperature difference in any body or body and surrounding the energy getting transfer is called as heat.Direction of heat transfer{heat spontaneously can transfer from higher temperature to lower temperature only.
 But it can also transfer from lower temperature to higher temperature by giving some external work.

There are three modes of heat transfer 

1 Conduction    in stationary  medium.

2 Convection    due to relative motion of fluid

3 Radiation   medium  not required

Definition of different mode of heat transfer 

conduction :

it is transfer of energy from more energy more energetic particle of substance two adjacent less energatics  ones as a result of intraction between particles.
 It can takes place in  solid,  liquid and gas Etc. 

Convection :

flute molecules have micro motion motion of molecule associated with microscopic kinetic energy second one macroscopic kinetic energy motion of molecules associated with macroscopic kinetic energy .
Convection is a mode of heat transfer which involves the compound effect of conduction and advection Rate Law of convection it is given whether Newton's law of cooling .

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1 تعليقات

  1. Well, it’s a nice one, I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing such informative stuff.
    Heat Transfer Vinyl

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