Magnetic moment of an atom

         Magnetic moment of an atom

magnatic moment of atom directly propotional to the number of unpaired electrone in valance electron
    magnatic moment =√n(n+2)


1.First find out oxidation number of these central metal ion.

2.write valance shell electronic configuration.

3.substract total number of electron from valance shell by magnitude of 

oxidation state(if O.N is +2 then substract 2 from valance shell elctron).

4.Arrange the remaing electron to threre orbital.

¤if strong legand (CO,NH3 &EN) present in complex compound then paired the electron if possible.incase of weak legand we dont need to pair up the electron.

5.Count down Number of Unpaired electron(n) in there orbital.

6.Put in value of " n" in given below formula

Magnatic moment(MM)   =[n(n+2)]^1÷2 bohr magnatone.
^ Means to the power
n Number of unpaired Electron.

Find out MM. of K4[Fe(CN)6].
by given following given steps:

      4K^+  [Fe(CN)6]^4-
 valance shell electronic configuration of central metal ion(Fe).

4S^2,3d^6   .

O.N of Fe is 
          x +  6×0 - 4 = 0

so x  =   + 4

after substracting 4 from valance shell electronic configuration now electronic configuration will

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