Animal tissue

                                                           : ANIMAL TISSUE :

* Malpighi : Father of histology(study of tissue).
* Tissue is collection of cells (similar in origin and function )and there intercellular substances.
*Tissue: DEvelops from ectodMesoderm and ectoderm in embryonic stage.
a) Epithelial tissue: covers the body surface,Lines body cavity and forms gland.
b)Connective tissue: Its binds and support body parts.
c)Muscular tissue: Responsible f movements.
d) Nervous tissue: Initiates nerve impulse for control+coordination of body activities.
Tissue originated First  In Coelenterates.
Our hert consist ofall the four types of tissue (epithelial,connective, muscular and neural ).
                                      #EPITHELIAL TISSUE#
covering,liningepithelium and glandular epithelium.
: Ectodermal: e.g -Skin epidermis,Anal kanal.
: Mesodermal: e.g- Coelomic epithelium pleura,pericardium,.
: Endodermal : e.g -Gut epithelium, lining of respiratory and urinogenitaltract .

*cells are compctly arranged ,intercellular space and matrix are insignificant.

-Basement Membrane : on which epithelium rests,separates epithelium from underlying connective tissue.Consists of protien fibres and proteoglycan (Glycoprotein),Non cellular,Secred by connective tissue +addition of some materials from epithelium.,connective tissue with blood vessel supplies nutrients.
 #FUNCTION:(Remmebering code -PASTELS-G)
Protection,Secretion,Absorption, Excretion,Transport,Lubrication,Gametogenetic, sensation .
 " Knowledgeunziper "
                                         ( The Key of concept )

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