SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN HUMAN   
Relaxin-Loosens the pubic symphosis during child birth


Progesterone, Estrogens, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Functions
Somatomammotropin/Human Placental Lactogen (HPL) of  Placenta stimulates mammary gland enlargement.
Negative Viruses like Rubella (German Virus). HIV can pass through placenta causing
foetal deforipity. 552000
mingo Thalidomide (In sedative pills) from mother through placenta causes.
deformity in foetus (Phycoralia
Note: Teratogen-anything causes deformity of foetus. v ti
T27 677)
Scorpus testium,
In the later phase of pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin is also secreted by the ovary, hCG, HPL and relaxin
are produced in women only during pregnancy. During pregnancy the levels of estrogens, progestogens,
cortisol, prolactin, throxine, etc., are increased several folds in the maternal blood. Increased production of
these hormones is essential for supporting the fetal growth, metabolic changes in the mother and inaintenance
of pregnancy


(a) The average duration of human pregnancy is about 9 months which is called gastation period.
(b) Parturition starts with the contraction of Uterus as well 9x200
as abdominal wall.
Hypothalamus sends eiterent
(c) Labour pain is divided into 3 phases -
impulses to posterior pituitary.
where oxytocin is stored
1. Dilation of Cervix
2. Expulsion Cognar Taman
(5) posterior pituitary releases
3. After Birth
Oxytocin to blood oxytocin
targels mother's uterine
Uterine wall
Foetus move
Uterus responds
by contracting
more vigorously
Foetus comes out Now child Amniotic fluid
O Baby moves
through cervix, birth is
comes out
deeper into
mother's birth
through vagina
(e) Parturition is induced by both nervous system and
hormones secreted by the endocrine glands of the
mother. The signals for child birth originate from the
ad fully matured foetus and placenta, which induce mild anal
uterine contractions called foetal ejection reflex. This
causes quick release of oxytocin from the maternal
impulses to
pituitary, which promotes contraction of uterine muscles.

(1) “AÅ¿ter birth": After the expulsion of child, the placenta,
Pressoreceptors -
remains of umbilical cord also come out. These together
in cervix of
Positive feedback
mechanism continues
are called after birth.
uterus excited
10 cycle until interrupted
by birth of baby Yes

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