Gas law

                    :Ideal Gas Law:

Ideal Gas ::

  • It is a hypothetical gas that follows gas law exactly.
  • It can not be solidified and liquidfied.
  • No intermolecular forces acts between the ideal gas molecules.
  • Potential energy of molecules of ideal gas is always zero that is maximum. 
  • Internal energy of molecules of ideal gas is only kinetic energy and depends only on temperature. 
  • At higher temperatures and law pressure any gas can be assumed that ideal Gas.

Ideal gas equation 

                    P V = nRT

          P = pressure,
          V= Volume
          R= Universal gas constant.
          T= Absolute temperature.
           n =No. of mole.


1.Boyl's law :

According to boyl's law if n & T  are constant then 
 PV = Constant.
means pressure is inversly proportional to volue.
it means if pressure increase then volume decrease and vice a versa.
Such that 
P1V1 =P2V2

2.Charl's Law :

According to charl's law if P & n are constant then Volume directly proportinal to Temperature.
such that

V1 T1 = V2 T2.


PV = nRT

According to Gaylusac's law if V & n are constant then P is dirctly proportional to Temperature.
such that 
P1T1 =P2T2.

4.Avagadro law :

According to Avagadro law At constant pressure and Temperature equal volume of gas contains Equal numbers of molecules.


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